01986 892846
  • Foot Care

  • Foot Care

  • Foot Care



Foot Health Practitioners provide foot care to whoever needs it—trained to recognise and assess foot conditions, treat appropriately and refer when necessary. Many people need simple foot care to maintain mobility and quality of life. Being overweight or diabetic increases the need, and both of these conditions are rapidly increasing in prevalence in the population.

What you can expect

As we get older, we all know that the feet seem to grow further away, and sometimes it's simply not possible to reach your own feet. Not to worry, if needed, Susie will help you remove your shoes and socks and then put them back on again when the treatment session is complete.


  • Routine nail cutting. 
  • Corn removal. Corns and callus form due to excessive friction and pressure on the skin. Corns form a hard centre and can feel like you are walking on a stone, they can become very painful.
  • Callous skin reduction. 
  • Ingrowing toenails. When the side of the toenail pierces the flesh and then lies in the cut and prevents it from healing These can become infected if left untreated.
  • Thick nails.  Sometimes painful due to pressure from the shoe.
  • Verrucae treatment. A viral infection, can appear anywhere on the foot and vary considerably in size and the number of them present at any one time.
  • Cracked heels. Cracked heels, also known as fissures, can be a nuisance but can occasionally lead to more severe problems if left untreated. 
  • Diabetic foot care. 
  • Foot health advice. 
  • Sports injuries. 
  • Fungal Infection. Fungal spores often reside between the toe, causing the skin to itch and become sore - often becomes red-raw with white peeling skin on the periphery.
  • Hammer Toe.  When the toe (often 2nd, 3rd, or 4th toe) is bent at the proximal joint, often resulting in the formation of corns over the joint and end of the toe.
  • Mallet Toe. When the toe is bent at the distal joint of the toe, often resulting in the formation of corns.


The treatments are designed to help prevent and correct any problems with the feet, keeping people mobile, active and relieving pain.

Some conditions will only require one or two treatment sessions, but often clients choose to have a maintenance treatment every 8 weeks.

Appointment Details

  • Tuesday 9am-6pm
  • All sessions are £25 and last approximately 20 minutes.

Who will Treat Me

Susie James MCFHP MAFHP is friendly and stands by the three c's of caring, compassion and consideration. There is nothing she hasn't seen before, and if it's within her ability to treat you, she will.

  • Over 15 years experience
  • CPD Continual Professional Development

Did you know- foot bones make up about a quarter of all the bones in the human body.

The average moderately active person takes around 7,500 steps a day. Suppose you maintain that average and live until 80 years of age; you'd have walked 216,262,500 steps in your lifetime, the equivalent of walking around the equator of the earth 5 times!

Susie James


Foot Care

Foot Health Practitioners provide foot care to whoever needs it—trained to recognise and assess foot conditions, treat appropriately and refer when necessary.


A hands-on technique to move, stretch and adjust the muscles and joints of the body, so that it can perform at its maximum efficiency.


Homeopathy is a holistic treatment that uses tiny doses of specially treated substances from the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms to create the catalyst required to stimulate the immune system back into action.

Massage Therapy

Massage is a healing therapy which has been used for thousands of years around the world as the power of touch has been recognised for its therapeutic properties.


Hypnosis is when we narrow our attention and become absorbed in the experience.


A touch therapy based on the theory that different pressure points on the feet, hands or ears, correspond with areas of the body, and reflexologists work these points to rebalance the body's energy.

Foot Care

Foot Health Practitioners provide foot care to whoever needs it—trained to recognise and assess foot conditions, treat appropriately and refer when necessary.


A hands-on technique to move, stretch and adjust the muscles and joints of the body, so that it can perform at its maximum efficiency.

Hearing Care

There are three main types of hearing loss: sensorineural hearing loss, conductive hearing loss, and mixed hearing loss.


Homeopathy is a holistic treatment that uses tiny doses of specially treated substances from the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms to create the catalyst required to stimulate the immune system back into action.

Massage Therapy

Massage is a healing therapy which has been used for thousands of years around the world as the power of touch has been recognised for its therapeutic properties.


Hypnosis is when we narrow our attention and become absorbed in the experience.


A touch therapy based on the theory that different pressure points on the feet, hands or ears, correspond with areas of the body, and reflexologists work these points to rebalance the body's energy.